This one is hard to look at, but it reflects the strange, harsh and transient beauty that high noon brought to this narrow alleyway (thirty minutes later, the sun had passed over, and the scene was flat). I finally found a way into this photo without bringing on a headache (LOL), via the area where the horizontal rows of cement blocks are interrupted. That provides some psychological meaning as well as resting place for the attention to come back to, making it easier to drift off to other parts of the image. This one is not my usual cup of tea, though it does bring up the question of what (and how) we seek, and perhaps find, in any art.
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A week or so ago, there were a couple of warm days here, and not coincidentally, a fog bank that settled in for nearly the whole time (see two posts below also).
The owners of this cottage, Laurie and Eric, were out on a nearby beach looking for sea glass when I pulled over to take a few photographs. It turns out this was their actual home for a year while a larger structure elsewhere on the property was being renovated, and that living there “..was one of the happiest years of our lives”. We talked about simplicity, and I mentioned Henry David Thoreau, who wrote from Walden Pond: “I had three pieces of limestone on my desk, but I was terrified to find that they required to be dusted daily, when the furniture of my mind was all undusted still, and threw them out the window in disgust.”
We truly don’t need much.
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yankee structures
A magnificently rendered work of Chinese cursive in metal, perhaps eight feet tall, on a property overlooking RT 7. Best translation so far, reading from bottom to top: “wish you happiness and laughs”, courtesy of Claire at the CEAS program at Wesleyan U.
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art and music,
This dreary and leaden day was transformed, with the arrival of a spitting snow at dusk, into one of remarkable lightness and beauty.
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farms and fields,
T-shirts, Long Trail beers, smartphones, and camaraderie were all very much in evidence in this group of twenty-somethings, standing at the top of Deer Leap Overlook, in a brisk late October wind with Pico off in the distance.
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current favorites,