Images of New England
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The quality of timelessness is something I gravitate to in my photography: I’m always happy to find a scene that appears to be one from the distant past, and/or a locale far far away. Perhaps it’s the universality I seek, or the presumed simplicity of a different era.
This one, a dock with two lights, conjures up medieval Japan and/or an Akira Kurosawa film, one of my all time favorite movie directors, going back to undergraduate days and a Kurosawa film festival. My favorite of his is still probably The Seven Samurai.
The community of Benedictine monks at the Weston Priory in Weston, VT, gather for a predawn Vigil Prayer Service that officially starts their day. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some were up much earlier, given the extent of prayer in their lives.
A few of the photographs I took on this visit ended up in the book by the ethnomusicologist Maria S. Guarino, entitled “Listen With the Ear of the Heart“, on the music and monastery life at the Priory. She’s a great writer, and for anyone interested in engaging further with the rhythms and spirit of Priory life, the book is well worth a read.
Taken on Bub Hubner’s farm some 15 years ago. Bub was in his early 70’s at the time, and still actively working around the place. He passed away in 2014; the farmstead was his home for 77 years.
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Last year there was nary a blossom on our morning glory plant, even though the vines were quite prolific. This year’s planting – in the same spot – was headed in the same direction until a few weeks ago, when the place started rocking morning glory flowers, as well as moon flowers, which I had added as a companion plant. I never noticed the “rays of sun” emanating from the flower’s center – a veritable sunrise – and wonder if that’s how the plant got its name.
They’ll probably be around until the first frost, which seems nowhere in sight, for the time being anyway.