Images of New England
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The community of Benedictine monks at the Weston Priory in Weston, VT, gather for a predawn Vigil Prayer Service that officially starts their day. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some were up much earlier, given the extent of prayer in their lives.
A few of the photographs I took on this visit ended up in the book by the ethnomusicologist Maria S. Guarino, entitled “Listen With the Ear of the Heart“, on the music and monastery life at the Priory. She’s a great writer, and for anyone interested in engaging further with the rhythms and spirit of Priory life, the book is well worth a read.
The moon was at my feet at one point during my walk around North Cove this afternoon; a special shout-out to Mother Nature for her placement of the leaves: flowing from the break in the snow, and reaching out toward the tip of the crescent. It was the first snowfall of the season last night.
Out in our back yard, in the late afternoon light of early fall, with the wind coming in from the northeast.
Found this on my first kayaking trip around North Cove yesterday, on a northeast facing wall, shortly after low tide.
Nice set by these talented musicians at a midweek farmers’ market in the north country.
Old friend Mike Aiken (now back in Georgia after a decade-long sojourn in northern VT), sez further:
“I can’t fully explain it but Vermont is so unique, ordinary, unspoiled, commonplace, interesting, beautiful, astonishing and ghastly that I can’t get it out of my system. I tell people it’s like your favorite jacket or pair of jeans and every favorite childhood memory and adult romantic interlude rolled into one, wrapped in a psychotic’s vision of bizarre weather.”
Photo taken at Brown’s Orchard and Farmstand, where I had some of their fine apple pie and cider to start out the day.