Two institutions in West Rutland, the man and the cafe; Joziu has been a daily customer since the cafe first opened 20 years ago.
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Two institutions in West Rutland, the man and the cafe; Joziu has been a daily customer since the cafe first opened 20 years ago.
Some of the revelry at the Torchlight Holiday Parade in Old Saybrook, which was short on torchlights and heavy on fife and drum bands.
Halloween passes, and the call for pumpkins takes a nosedive. Those that didn’t sell here are headed back from whence they came, LongShot Farms in Old Lyme, where they will be smashed open and fed to the cattle.
There was probably more empty space on this bulletin board than in the entire general store where I found it. All the usual goods were scrunched in, PLUS a pooch lying in front of the cash register, AND a woodstove, AND an ATM machine, and even the town post office – entrance on the left in the picture. The crown jewel of the board had to be a handwritten record of the last 75 years of “ice out dates”, when the ice on Lake Elmore (immediately behind the place) finally melts. The earliest was in 2012 (March 26), and the latest was in 1972 (May 11).
This south facing church is just opposite the Town Hall (see below) on the main street in town, otherwise known as Route 30. There’s much in each photograph I enjoy, beginning with the fact that the community has gathered in both of these places – for matters spiritual and temporal – since the middle of the nineteenth century.
Unfortunately I missed this concert by a couple of days, but it was easy to imagine – the sense of community and the power of the songs – in the vibe that lingered.
Mike Aiken comments:
“A town hall, in New England, is exactly that: a hall where the town (the people of the town) can gather to discuss their business, air their concerns, be heard and (possibly) influence the town’s future. The buildings themselves are therefore a statement of faith: that what goes in, comes out transformed by the town mind. And there indeed is a core democratic principle.
Woody Guthrie held this faith, and preached it far and wide, probably in many small towns like Jamaica, Vermont. 21st Century Vermont, however, is not the Dust Bowl of the Thirties, and not even close to the Vermont photographed by the Works Progress Administration in the 30’s. But Woody Guthrie’s songs are remembered, and celebrated, and out of THAT act of keeping faith with the man and his thoughts and words, maybe there is a new world coming along out of what he saw and heard.”