Images of New England
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Taken on Bub Hubner’s farm some 15 years ago. Bub was in his early 70’s at the time, and still actively working around the place. He passed away in 2014; the farmstead was his home for 77 years.
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This place – looking a little forlorn and needing some maintenance – is probably similar to how the many small family farms in VT looked a century ago. One of my first summer jobs when I was thirteen or so was on a place like this: 8-10 cows, 3 horses, many chickens, and a proverbial ton of hay to be baled every summer. I saw a mountain lion there, a surprising and incredibly beautiful sight, strolling along a treeline at the edge of a meadow behind the main farmhouse. There’s a nice article on whether they’re still around in the November issue of Yankee magazine here.
Those are the White Mountains off on the right horizon, and that’s probably Roy Mountain above the farm buildings on the left. Photo taken from the Peacham/Groton Road.