The aforementioned Bub with his nephew Devon, who helped out around the farm.
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Taken on Bub Hubner’s farm some 15 years ago. Bub was in his early 70’s at the time, and still actively working around the place. He passed away in 2014; the farmstead was his home for 77 years.
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This portrait of Master Kirpal (1894-1974), by Jonas Gerard, can be found in the vestibule of the Meditation Hall at Sant Bani Ashram.
Looking west from the summit, toward Vermont. Not that many people were on the mountain on a Thursday in late August, and most were in their twenties. My old high school friend and classmate Tom B and I took our sweet time going up and down (a prerogative, perhaps, of age/semi-retirement), and had some nice conversations with folks of all ages along the way. He remarked that climbing the mountain seemed to “bring out all our better angels”, which has always been my experience.
We share our home on this earth with a vast number of creatures large and small,* who occupy all sorts of ecological niches around us.
Beavers – that’s their handiwork above – favor streams and marshes, and are second only to man for their ability to manipulate the environment.** They’re mostly nocturnal animals, though you might see one swimming around a pond in the late afternoon. More info on these mammals here.
This fallen white birch was probably 20 feet from a marsh, and 30 feet of so from a stream.
* The Vedas, the most ancient of Hindu scriptures, describe 8.4 million species of life on the planet.
** per National Geographic
My old friend JG – born and raised in west Texas – at the top of MT Monadnock.