Images of New England
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The CT River dumps into Long Island Sound over at the far right. This tree trunk, probably six feet wide at the bottom of the roots, arrived some three years ago.
Looking northeast from the entrance of North Cove Harbor towards the CT River. This pier stands on what was once a rail causeway in the late 1800’s, connecting Saybrook Point to the Old Saybrook railroad station at the north end of town.
Found this on my first kayaking trip around North Cove yesterday, on a northeast facing wall, shortly after low tide.
I returned here a few days after taking this photo, at about the same time of the day, and the backlight on the smoke bush was again spectacular.
A man was standing where I had been, clutching a large drawing pad and furiously sketching the scene before it shifted. His concentration was such that I felt a little bad even saying hello, and apologizing for walking into the scene briefly to ID the yellow flowers in the foreground. “Oh I can work around you..”
Turns out they’re coreopsis, surrounded by milkweed and white columbine.
That’s North Cove in the foreground, and the CT River flowing under the Baldwin Bridge and I-95 in the back.
This brings to mind Plato’s Allegory of the Caves, expounded some 2500 years ago, and a staple of any Philosophy 101 class since. There’s a good overview here. Ah, the nature of Reality …
The March full moon is commonly referred to as the Worm Moon, for the earthworms who tend to make their way to the surface around this time. And lo and behold, I saw a robin out in our garden today, tugging on something.
Down here near the coast of CT, the robins tend to stay around all winter. I’ve noticed that they save the red holly berries until January, and then a whole flock will clean out the shrubs over a few days time. They won’t touch them earlier in the winter, and the same goes for other red berries in our neighborhood.
It was interesting to be out after dark on the river. Though I was only about a hundred yards away from the nearest homes, I felt a bit uneasy, like I was out in a wilderness far away from civilization. There were coyotes howling some distance away, and the intermittent calls of waterfowl settling in for the night. But mostly it was quiet, and in the end peaceful, with an occasional lap of waves on the shore.
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