This portrait of Master Kirpal (1894-1974), by Jonas Gerard, can be found in the vestibule of the Meditation Hall at Sant Bani Ashram.
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This portrait of Master Kirpal (1894-1974), by Jonas Gerard, can be found in the vestibule of the Meditation Hall at Sant Bani Ashram.
Mike was one of my oldest and dearest friends, going back to undergraduate days at the University of Vermont. He passed away December 10, 2017, some thirty years after a diving accident left him a quadriplegic. But he hardly missed a beat, and continued to live a rich and full life in the midst of a wonderful community of friends and family, all the while writing and playing music and teaching at East Carolina University. You can hear him talk about his life in an interview from 2010 with Mark Helpsmeet of Northern Spirit Radio here.
A song we wrote, Lonely Surfer Boy from Vermont – recorded by the Ultra Brothers here, (turn it up! and try it in mono) – had some legs but, uh, never cracked the Billboard charts.
I hope you’re enjoying the Celestial Music, my friend. We miss you here.
A wonderfully strange confluence today of one of the great Holy Days in Christianity as well as one of the most interesting secular “holidays”, Easter Sunday and April Fool’s Day ….
Looking east as the CT River flows by the Essex Dock.
Pretty amazing that our neighbor Victor has been playing in the Horseshoe League in Deep River for the past 52 years; he started in 1964!! This year he says he’s “doing ok”, averaging 24, down from a high of 33 in his younger days. (Rounds of 12, two tosses each round, 3 points for a ringer, 1 for landing within 6 inches, leaners included.)
One of many wonderful things about deep winter here in the Northeast is full moon hiking. Out in a nighttime forest, civilization recedes, and something – more primeval – emerges; you become just another animal abroad on the land. The senses, particularly hearing, will sharpen to find a new equilibrium. Safety seems less assured, the town distant. You move beyond your comfort zone, go as deep and as long into the night as you dare, and eventually turn back, to hearth and home, a bit wilder for the experience.
One of my favorite wildflowers ever, and one of the beautiful gifts of midsummer. Info on legend and lore can be found here and here.
This balloon was airborne each morning I was out, probably lifting off before sunrise. I like how the wind and air currents are implied in this image, and how the rows of corn look a bit like underwater vegetation. It’s a glimpse of that huge ocean of air we all live in.